At first I thought RadGrad was similar to STAR GPS, where it will keep track and organize your computer science class schedule. I was wrong, and instead has shown what I can do to improve my undergraduate degree experience. I learned that it may help improve degree planning and provide useful guidance to students in finding an appropiate undergraduate degree experience based on their specific interests and career goals.
The most unique thing about radgrad is the ICE point system. It stands for Innovation, Competency, and Experience. It keeps track of the amount of points acquired from completed courses and opportunities. This is a useful system that helps students know what should be focused as they progress forward. My ICE point standing is at an okay level, and I should participate and take opportunities in order to improve to my innovation and experience points. Not just because I want to increase my points, it will help me prepare and perform well in future jobs.
The path I have been walking along is hazy and I do not know where it will lead to. With RadGrad it helps clear up the haze, making the next destination a little bit more clearer. Having no innovation or experiences, RadGrad introduced to me many opportunities, interests, and courses to open a path. Once I have found interests, possible careers, and opportunities I was able to place the possible stones I would need to reach the first destination.