This Black Jack GUI was my final project for ICS 111, where I learned the basics of Java. The purpose of this project was to put to practice the knowledge gained from the class. At first I made a console version of the game, and after finishing that I transformed it into a graphic-user-interface(GUI). I also implemented a simple betting system, and including the “hit” and “stand” game options I also implemented a “double-down” feauture.
This was a individual project, although the TA gave a folder with pngs of the entire deck of cards, which improved graphics allowing virtual cards to be displayed to the board. I made use of JFrames, JPanels, JLabels, JButtons, and other classes to be able to design and color my graphical-user-interface. It was very exciting to code each new game option and update the window for users. Although actual game-logic was very simple, it was making the interface, which was long but fun.
I gained a lot of object-oriented progamming experience. I was able to create a card and assign it values and suits, and put that card into a full deck of 52 cards and imitate playing 1 player black jack against the dealer. One thing I would have liked to added to the project was the “split” option, but ran out of time before submission.
Source: Louie808/Black_Jack_GUI.