Warrior-Cravings is an online application that serves as culinary and restaurant guide for University of Hawaii: Manoa students. The online application seeks to highlight the vast array of food alternatives available on an artound the UH campuis in order to assist students in discovering new taste profiles or just locating their favorite cuisine. Furthermore, this web application assists in providing a tiny platform assisnts in providing a tiny platform for campus vendors. This was the final group project for my ICS 314 (Software Engineering I) class to demonstrate our overall understandding of software engineering and web app development.
Christine Nakano, Jase Ishimi, Mahie Crabbe, Zach Chaikin, and I used GitHub as our primary project center while working on this project. Through issue-driven project management, we used the project feature to keep track of our milestones. Furthermore, GitHub’s ability to divide out the project into branches made the organizing aspect much easier, especially when committing changes to the main branch. Although the majority of our group’s contact took place online via Discord, we used GitHub to track the project’s development. Our group would meet regularly to discuss our responsibilities and issues, as well as to help each other or seek our TA for assistance as required.
You can learn more at Warrior-Cravings