My Upbringing

19 Jan 2022

What is this?

My first encounter to coding was for an 8th grade assignment in a STEM class. The STEM teacher assigned the class to make a game using Scratch. Scratch is a coding language with a simple visual interface that allows young people to create digital tales, games, and animations. It is the world’s largest coding community for children. This site was a sprite lab which is a block-based programming environment and you can easily publish your project to the community.

Most of the class had no prior knowledge and a lot of our games were basic and simple. After exploring the site and playing other user’s games, I enjoyed the platform games and took inspiration for my game. Although I wasn’t able to recreate the physics and get the collisions to work, I instead made a simple maze game.

After Scratch

After experiencing making my own game, I wanted to learn more about coding and programming. In my Scratch account, I used the site a few more times for random high school classes. During highschool, the ICS academy classes were not beneficial and did not learn anything for programming. When I started college and took ICS 111, I really enjoyed learning Java and quickly absorbed the language. At the end of the course, I had fun programming my own Black Jack GUI. The courses afterwards took me deeper into coding teaching new lanuguages, data structures, algorithms, and many other skills.


In the future, I would like to learn more lanugages and improve my proficiency in the ones I now know. I hope to acquire the knowledge to be able to develop software and application programming interface(API). I want to make many connections with many others and hope to work with them in future projects. To acquire a sense of various work settings, I would like to be employed on different software engineering teams and acquire even more mastery of computer science.