This semester has been super educational about learning the tasks and skills of a software engineer’s daily basis. By using a design pattern and agile project management helped improve my skills of a developer.
In software engineering, a design pattern is a generic, repeatable solution to common issues in software design. It is a template that may be used in a variety of situations. A design pattern is used in the development of many apps and video games.
In my final project for ICS 314, design patterns may be seen inside the code. The Warrior-Cravings site is an online application that serves as culinary and restaurant guide for University of Hawaii: Manoa students. When a user signs in, the Front controller design pattern is used to display different links according on their account’s access level, which are only accessible to those with that level of access. When generating new menu items, the page will update utilizing React components, which is an example of the publish-subscribe design pattern applied at the vendor access level.
You can learn more about the project in the Warrior-Cravings Gitpage
Agile project management is a method that can help groups organize themselves through issue driven tasks. This way of organizing provided me a bigger overview of the many tasks that needed to be completed. Using Github projects to organize the tasks, known as issues, into different milestones. Milestones and its deadline helps keep the project flowing and making sure that it finishes by the final deadline.
This software engineering I class was a very beneficial course. I learned and improved on many skills throughout the semester. I quickly was able to learn and absorb the coding languages it taught and what it is like being a software engineer and work in groups. I hope to use these many skills acquired in future classes and career opportunities.